A new extreme challenge!
Wilnsdorf, April 25th.
A group of excellent but crazy modelers in a fierce struggle against time and the odds to paint a 1/48 Jagdtiger… this is the history of that day …..
The kit for this challenge, the excellent Tamiya´s 1/48 Jagdtiger tank hunter. An easy and quite fast to build kit, with just some adds on as the Hauler grills and handmade periscopes.
As usually the kit was made and primed before the workshop in a closed Facebook´s group. This closed groups are really useful not only to decide particular aspects of the workshop development, but also, very important, to start knowing each other! For me, this is important, as I use to be the new kid in the block!
After some explanations about the contents of the intensive day, we started to apply the B&W base to our kits!
Here you can see the participants of the workshop:
Gunnar Bäumer (Twin brother)
Olli Heide (Cojonudo)
Torsten Becker (Master of Slaves) ….. where´s my Sherman????? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Dirk Wendland(Lord of 1/16´s Tigers)
Gerrit Diener (Pigment´s Master)
A little stop to recover from duty! Of course, with typical Spanish products! Chorizo, salchichón y queso curado! And red wine!
But …. The struggle continues!
Applying the base color
And after several weathering steps (washes, chipping, pigments, oils …) the final result!
This is a really special moment, when all the modelers, in silence, look at the kit formation on the table. Mission accomplished! You´re heroes! Not so complicated to paint a 1/48 kit in one day if we all work in the same direction!
Here, my finished kit
The winning team! Thank you so much for your effort!
Next workshop at Green Models, Lisboa, 5th July!