My dear Friends:
As you have noticed, during these last weeks this website has been too quiet. No new post, no new information … nothing.
Time for some explanations!
These last months have been the more exciting and hard of my life. Modelling life has been really exciting. Masterclasses at Lisboa and Paris, fantastic contest at Eindhoven and Montijo, the release of Ammo´s new B&W set, the German edition of my Painting Guide for AFV and a new notice that I´ll be really pleased to announce pretty soon.
So, really busy! Crazy months! I´ll start updating my website again as I used to do before, with new post and notices.
But the BIG new is my new job at Colombia. I´ve accepted a new job as a civil engineer in that wonderful country. I´ve visit it several times and it´s not easy to think about a better place to live in. It´s a really hard and emotional decision anyway and I hope it´s the best for me and my family. A new future, new horizon and more opportunities for us. Also a new chance to finally meet personally to many many old and new friends in America!
All this issues have really made these last months complicated, but I´m back! Sorry for these weeks!
Now, time to find my modelling way at Colombia!